Well this morning was the big ultra sound for measurements and to check my progress. Ryan stayed here with me just in case we had to have babies today depending on the results. I am really glad he was here! My fluid levels in Jason’s sack happen to be significantly lower. As a result of Dr. Rowe is hooking me up to an IV this morning to see if they retain fluid and will check again in the morning. He seems to think that the sack might be ruptured. He did a cloture this morning that is being sent off to the lab and if it is positive we will have babies tomorrow.
Am I worried or concerned? Not too greatly. Ryan and I spoke with NICU yesterday and a lot of our fears such as bleeding on the brain, blindness and all of that other stuff to seem to be out the window. We could possibly have infections due to the prematurely, but at this point there is no reason to believe so. The main challenges for these little guys will be breathing and feeding. It’s hard to say where they will be, but if I had my guess Reece will be visiting a little longer than Jason simply because of his size.
As of 3 weeks ago Reece was 2lbs 1 oz. He gained 11oz in 3 weeks and is still under 3lbs weighing about 2lbs 12oz. Jason on the other hand was 3lbs 11oz 3 weeks ago and is now 4lbs 11oz. So while one baby is pushing close to 5lbs, my little Reece is still trying to catch 3. (Keep in mind these are estimates and could be a little higher or lower depending on the accuracy of the measurements)
As for me I am still 1 m dilated and contractions have been about the same. It will be interesting to see the results from today’s test. I could be having babies tomorrow. Hm…they are here to hook me up to my IV. I’ll keep you all posted when I know more.
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