Monday, June 22, 2009

Momma knows best...

I just got in from my weekly Monday visit with Dr. Rowe. I updated my facebook this morning saying to pray for good news because I had a gut feeling that he would tell me that my c-section date of July 14th didn’t seen as realistic anymore. Needless to say Momma knows best because sure enough that is exactly what he had to say. My monitoring session went really good. The heartbeats look great and my contractions were low (during that ½ hour). I however KNOW I have been contracting a lot more but its hard for me to “measure & count” them. It seems like I will just have long periods of time where I am really tight. From about 8am to 10am this morning while trying to go back to sleep it felt like the tightness just never stopped so I am not sure how you count those contractions because to me that’s one two hour contraction. LOL

So anyways basically I have no specifics. My cervix “is closed and a little more than 80% gone and there’s only very little left of it” and Dr. Rowe advised me to try and make it to 34 weeks which is next Sunday and to stay off my feet as much as possible and to call him if I think I am having more than 6 contractions an hour or notice anything different. I asked him if I should go ahead and schedule an appointment for the 1st week in July or the Monday before my tentative c-section and he said no not this week we will talk about that next week if it gets here. As for the babies however, they look good he said they get a 10 out of a 10. (Mexican food sounds really good) So we just keep on and I have to be in tune with my body and make sure that if I really start to feel things or notice anything truly different I fess up and call Dr. Rowe. He said it would be very bad and risky if I don’t and end up 4 or 5 cm dilated before I get back to Clear Lake. I guess by this he means that we need to prevent little J or R from getting sucked away in the birth canal. I know they are getting ready though. I can feel it slowly happening little by little each day.

Okay that is all for now. Pray for healthy babies, God to carry out his plan and to help Ryan be less scared (yes, poor baby said that it was scary today on the phone when I called him) and maintain my mother & sisters anxiety. Ha ha they seemed a little panicky when I told them and when I came out of the doctors office even I was thinking WHOA ok so much for the 14th of July. I however am ready and know God has a plan for these little guys and will bring them when He thinks its best.

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