Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"The Plan"

According to thebump.com you should pack your over night hospital bag at 35 week and have it ready for the just in case moments. This afternoon I started thinking about what to pack and I really didn’t have a clue, but found a handy little list online and am thinking I should give that some thought.

It talked a lot about my birth plan and making sure that you have one. I think mine is simple enough. Dr. Rowe already said I am having a c-section (unless I want to play it risky and not get there quick enough which would not be good to have babies in the birth canal)…and I am giving the green light on whatever he thinks is best in regards to having to get them out safe and healthy and to do whatever he needs t o do in order to make me feel no pain! Simple enough? I think so. I am not going to be one of those Moms who needs to have the fine print read to her before carrying out a procedure when it comes to their safety. Just do what you gotta do is my take on it. As for the c-section itself, only Ryan will be in the room for the delivery and he can take pictures of whatever he wants since my down under parts won’t be exposed. He can even film the c-section if he wants, I don’t care as long as I don’t feel pain or have to see my abdomen cut open at that very moment.

As for contacting people when it’s time, if it’s unscheduled….I will take care of my family and friends and Ryan can have a plan for his side. This will just make it a lot easier and plus I don’t have all the contacts and don’t know what kind of time will permit. I intend to make sure Ryan first and foremost knows so he can leave from work or wherever he is ASAP and then also call Mom/Dad/Ash. From there I am going to make a short list of just a few people that Ashley can call and let know we are on our way to the hospital and then I’ll make another list of people to send a mass text to saying the boys are here (and a few phone call people for the nontexters and maybe a facebook status update or something). There’s no reason to have a circus of people at the hospital in my opinion because for one the waiting room is small and is outside of the LOCKED nursery and delivery room. So really there’s no guarantee that you will be permitted back anytime soon and two if the boys are preemies and in the NICU they have very strict stipulations about visitors. Obviously I am not saying your not welcomed to come sit in the waiting room if you want, but I am saying don’t be surprised or upset if you are standing and don’t see me or the babies because that could very well be the case.

Hmmmm long day and so very tired but cannot get comfortable for the life of me. I think I am going to grab a snack and more water. Pray for baby Hallie who is not doing so well. I have been following her story and bless her sweet heart she if fighting really really hard right now and doctors are unsure what is causing some serious swelling. It could be infection, but they doctors don’t seem to see it and have even told the parents to not to be surprised if they loose her. I have heard these words before and I know just how hard it is to imagine your little one gone. This poor family has already gone through so much with the loss of the other twin so please please pray that it is God’s will to keep her here with us. Also on an uplifting note another blogger Mom got to take one of her twins home yesterday and we are all praying that the other twin will be released soon so they can all be at home together.

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