Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Knock on wood...TOO LATE!

Well I should have knocked on wood because in my last blog I said how good of a baby Jason is(was) and how he sleeps pretty good at night. WROONG! The last two nights have been absolutely the worst nights of my life! Okay maybe not the worst but they do rank pretty high up there. He doesn’t sleep anymore except during the day pretty much all day long. Why? I have no idea but the kid certainly doesn’t understand that Mommy likes to be up during the day and sleep at night. Last night it was 11-4 all night long nonstop. I mean literally he was wide awake from 11 to 4. I tried the swing, bouncer, his bed, my bed, co-sleeper, pack in play, rocker upstairs, downstairs, recliner...YOU NAME IT! There was no end he just was fussy and if you weren’t holding him he was screaming.

At 4am I had to call in the troops and took my screaming baby to my other who so kindly enjoyed sitting with him the remainder of the morning till 7a,m. The night before was the same situation…Jason cried and cried and cried and fussed and fussed and at 5 my sister heard us up and said let me have him. Without hesitation I handed him over. You literally get to a point where you are so tired and feel so helpless that your eyes begin to burn, you become dizzy and you can’t help but just cry with him. I just hope and pray that within a few short weeks he begins to get on a schedule. I have been charting his sleeping patterns, feeding and diapers and there seems to be some common trends. On Friday both boys have pedi visits. We still don’t know if and when Reece will be home but the neo said that it wouldn’t hurt just to make sure that if in case Reece is home that he too can go to the doctor when Jason goes. Anyways I need to compile a list a questions for the doctor…

Just called on Reece he now 3lbs 13.8 oz which is not a big gain at all from yesterday but it is a gain and that’s all that matters. The nurse said he is eating great…IF I can only keep him on every 4 hours that would be wonderful. I bought the book Baby Wise yesterday after a suggestion from another twin mommy. Not too sure when I will have to crack it open but hopefully soon. Off to take a shower while J is content. I smell like maple syrup from the fenugreek breast milk supplement and its making me sick to my stomach. Pretty bad when your own smell bothers you! Here are few pictures of both of the boys from the last few days…hard to believe how much they have grown and that they were born just 4 weeks ago!
Baby Reece is still so small!

So sleepy!

Jason sleeping like he should at night :)

Baby J
Chillin in the bouncer

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