I believe from the last time I updated these are the most recent updates on the boys…
Reece: He is feeding by tube still and is being treated for jaundice. His is a little worse than Jason’s but is nothing to worry about. He has two lights on him and the healing process includes poopy and pee diapers and we are getting plenty of it. When they rechecked his levels last night it had increased slightly but they said that was expected because he hadn’t received enough photo therapy yet. His levels should start to come down in the next few days. As for his feedings he was getting 4cc’s and they bumped him to 8cc’s. It appears to the nurses that he is eating and digesting. Last night when they tracked the food form the stomach there was only 1 cc’s still remaining and they gave it back to him. Also I have started producing a little milk so starting yesterday evening he was getting ½ breast milk and ½ formula. My supply is increasing and as long as he’s the little guy he will get it over Jason (the nurses orders not mine).
I may or may not have mentioned but Reece does have a little dimple at the top center of his butt crack. The nurses and doctors were not alarmed by this but did want to perform an ultra sound to check his spine and all of that area just to make sure that the blood vessels are closed and to be sure it is indeed nothing. We hope to know results this afternoon around lunch time. Pray all went well…like I said the nurses said usually with preemies it’s nothing in most cases but you can never be too certain.
Jason: He has been taken off of the oxygen bubble and he seems much more comfortable. He still needs between 25-30% oxygen but for his comfort he is getting that by nose. Since he is no longer under the bubble they were able to also start feeding him by tube. He is getting 7cc’s for his feedings and as of yesterday in the first two feedings he had 4cc’s remaining in one and 5cc’s in another. The nurses said this is normal when they first start out, but he is getting all he needs and they will continue to watch and evaluate the amounts given. (He is feeding with formula for now) He is also being treated for jaundice…as I said earlier his isn’t nearly as bad (and it’s not even that bad) as Reece’s. Jas only has one light on him and overall seems to be ok.
Last night Ryan and I went down twice and the first time I read “Love You Forever” to both boys. The nurses say they know both mine and Ryan’s voice and it helps soothe them to hear us speak. I am going to go out on a limb and say I agree because when I was reading to Jason he was so content and his monitors remained stable with no alarms. The second time we went down they heard “Goodnight Moon”. The nurses are still letting us change and do little odd and end parent tasks which we enjoy. Last night I couldn’t help but laugh when I was changing Reece. He was so angry and mad but his little cry and wrinkled up little face was so cute. Even the nurse called him handsome and said she too thought it was precious when he got fussy because he makes the funniest faces. They also say they are very active and until I changed Reece last night I had no idea just how strong his little legs are. He is one heck of a fighter. As for Daddy he is still in heaven with his little boys. We can be up in the room for just an hour or so away from them and he will turn to me and say “I miss them already”. Its precious. Last night after I pumped at 2:30 he went down and stayed with them for a while and took down the milk. It’s 9:44 and he is still out cold sleeping…he said he stayed up till about 4 sitting with the boys and cleaned the hospital room. When I got up this morning our little room was spick and span.
We have lots of family visitors coming by today so I am going to let him sleep. The milk is on ice and as soon as I take a shower and get cleaned up and moving we are going to go down and then check out mid afternoon. Dr. Rowe said it was no rush as to when we wanted to leave today…Here are a few pictures I wanted to share with you all… (also you can view our albums of photos on facebook and on snapfish...the links for snapfish I'll start posting on the right side panel and will just post some of my favs to the blog)
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