After giving Reece lots of love 6:00 rolled around and the unit would be closing in the next half hour so it was finally time. I think both of the boys knew something was up because they were both really alert and awake. Reece laid in his bed and stretched his little arms and legs and was also a little fussy. As for J he was pretty content with his eyes wide a wake sucking his nunu (pacifier) with a death lock hold on it! Ryan went down to get the car and I walked with the nurse who has given herself the name of Reece’s Nana, because she is crazy about him. Haha! Once he was loaded up I sat in the back with him all the way home. He hardly made two peeps. He was a wonderful car rider and was very content. Once we got home Ryan unloaded the car with all of the hospital goodies they sent us home with and took Baby J into the house. Mom prepared dinner for us all so it was ready upon our arrival. We sat in the living room watching Lance Armstrong and then headed off to bed…well sort of. I changes Jason and then he had tummy time with Daddy while I showered and pumped for Reece.
The night was good but very long. It was about 10:00 when we first started getting ready for bed and nearly 11 when lights were out. Jason was up at 11:15 hungry and didn’t go back to bed till about 12:30. He got back up about 1:30 and was up till nearly 4 this morning. By that time it was time for another feeding at 5 and back to bed at 6 only for Ryan’s alarm to go off and back up at 6:20. This morning however I did get about 2 hours solid of sleep time. Over the night Jason’s temperature was good or so I thought. I was using a scanner thermometer, but now looking back on the night I think he was cool and the thermometer didn’t work very well because at 5 this morning I used the under the arm from the hospital and it was 96.7. (we want it between 97.5 and 98.6) Anyways I swaddled him in 2 receiving blackest really tight and put a hat on him and by 6 it was 97.6. I was paranoid though because the nurses said nothing should be in his crib but him with a sleeper on. I had to put him in blankets though but made sure it was tight enough that he couldn’t kick out and that there wasn’t any material gathered up by his face. Once he was wrapped up he slept much better this morning.
While my sister is holding him I am going to take a shower and then feed Jason and give him a bath so he is nice and clean. The feeding situation kind of stinks…Jason needs about 6-80cc’s of food and Reece is at 34cc’s. I can’t figure out how to best breastfeed and pump for both babies. It seems like if I feed then there’s hardly anything to pump and vice versa even with alternating…tricky tricky. Here are a few pictures…enjoy! Oh and Ry & I aren’t going to the hospital today. My Mom is going to go this afternoon to give us a break and get settled with Jason since yesterday was late getting in and a long night. Ryan is off all day Friday so we will see Reece then. I just love my boys!
* Muah* "Hurry up and get big so we can play again!"
"Well if you hogged all the food brother!"
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