Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chow Time!

I swear they get cuter every day! Jason is my little snuggler and Reece is my little (really little) buddy who is so kicked back! Their baby personalities are starting to show the more I am with them. Last night I read “Are You My Mother?” to the boys by Dr. Seuss…Reece was sleeping pretty hard but Jas I know was listening as he was curled up on my chest making sweet little faces and popping his eyes open to look up at me. It was so darn cute. I too was feeling pretty good yesterday. I got some extra sleep time in and was pumping every 2 hours. My schedule sort of went right out the window through the night because my phone died and my alarm didn’t go off at all. Oops. However at the moment I have nearly pumped 2 2oz. bottle to the top but also haven’t pumped since 10 last night? Speaking of feedings…the boys both got their bottle feeds raised to 4 a day. So now at every feeding one of the babies is at least being bottle feed. This means they are both ½ there. They will now increase to 6 once they master 4 and then 8. 8 is the magical number…the nurse yesterday said they would start practice breast feeding the babies to get them ready for the transition. I haven’t done it yet, but I think Jason will take to it faster than Reece. That kid is always sucking on my skin!!! In other news Reece has finally hit the 3 pound mark. Yesterday he was 3lbs 1oz and Jason was 5lbs 1oz. This is also great! Keep eating babies and get big and fat so you can come home to Daddy & I!

Here are some pics of our precious little family :)

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