Thursday, July 2, 2009

I love my 3 little men!

Use to if you would have asked me what was your favorite moment with Ryan or memory with Ryan I would have told you it was a little fishing trip we took out on the seawall when I went to Galveston to stay with him for the weekend. I had no idea what I was doing and he helped me cast and there was just this little glow on his face at sparkle in his eye that set the hook for me (obviously). Anyways after last night I think that moment changed.

While that will always be one of my favorite memories with I now have a new memory of his face lighting up when the nurse asked if we wanted to change Reece’s diaper and take his temperature. I was soothing my fussy little Jason by patting his butt and slowly swaying my thumb on his lower back and the nurse asked us if we wanted to assist. Ryan responded with well I am sure she wants to and while I did I let him take over because I didn’t feel I was strong enough or stable enough yet to stand crib side to change him. Ryan was so nervous and his hands were just entangled in one another as they got out the wipe and diaper. He did a great job and was so gentle with our little Reece. The whole time he was glowing with that proud Dad look and gave me a high five afterwards and said “That was so much fun Amanda”. Unfortunately we didn’t have our camera because we weren’t planning on staying long because we had been down just an hour and half before…luckily however the nurse go the NICU camera and took 3 shots which she printed for us to take back to the room. She also took pictures of the pictures using her phone and sent them to by email. (so yes you get to see)

We are going to go down and spend lots of time with the boys today because shortly they will be by to take out all my cords and wires and I will be free at last. I am very swollen in my legs and my feet especially. Ryan has been rubbing them to help circulation and to get the fluid moving. I have been getting in and out of bed very slowly to use the bathroom and get into the wheel chair. Dr. Rowe said if all goes well today I will be discharged tomorrow. It couldn’t work out more perfectly. Ryan has taken the remainder of the week off so he will pack me up and bring me home after we are done visiting with the boys. Since it is the weekend and we know on the weekends we will want to spend as much time with the 4 of us together as possible we are going to check into some hotels in the area and plan on staying Fri-Sun for the next few weekends possibly. One of the nurses here suggested we speak with the hospital social worker and for me to also check with insurance about discounted rates provided to new parents of NICU babies who have to travel to and from home. We will see what happens…

As for the discharge of the boys its one day at a time…A nurse told Ryan that if they continue to improve at this rate she would guess as early as two weeks minimum and another said it could be up to 4 to 6 weeks. There is know way of knowing, but we are both very ready for when that day comes already!

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