Have you ever had a really vivid but silly dream, so silly to the point that you wake up finding yourself laughing hysterically? Last night about 4:30 Ryan was snuggled up to me and I was off in dream land. For whatever reason I was dreaming and he and I were in some fitness boot camp. (Maybe that’s because he coo’s at my double chin and grabs it like you would a baby’s cheeks. It’s our new laugh…thank goodness I have a sense of humor!) Anyways we re at this fitness challenge camp and for whatever reason we were having to run and tackle those fake dummies like guys do in football. Well the first time I just ran smack into it and it didn’t budge. In my dream Ryan and I were laughing. The second time went about the same way, and finally the third time it moved but I flipped over it entirety. I just remember watching the dream in 3rd person and Ryan and I laughing at my failed attempts. Apparently I was laughing out loud because I woke up to Ryan shaking me thinking I was crying in the middle of the night as he frantically continued to say “Amanda what’s wrong?” I was awake at this point still laughing to no end. It was the weirdest thing ever…
A few hours later Ryan got up for his Saturday morning work shift only to find out about 15 minutes later that somebody didn’t mention that the guys aren’t working today. Poor babe, he was so upset that he had to get up early on Saturday morning simply because his boss or whoever failed to fill him in. I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t be happy either. He brought me back breakfast and we put away a huge load of clothes that we washed yesterday of only baby clothes consisting of only light blues. It’s sad when your kids have a stack of clothes in one color alone larger than all of the clothes in your closet. One thing is for sure they will be well equipped with onsies and PJ’s. Everyone just loves to buy baby clothes! I can’t blame them, they are cute!
Afterwards Ryan headed off to the bank and then called Dad wanting to know if he wanted to play golf today. So all the men are out of the house this morning golfing and Mom and Ashley are on their way home from Melissa’s wedding. I am so sad that I missed it and have been checking facebook just about every ½ hour to see if anyone’s posted wedding pictures yet. (Come on DG girls you are SLACKING!) Since I am here alone I have been looking at baby shower stuff for the two we are having. My aunt is throwing an all womens shower on the 13th of June for friends and what not and then my parents are doing a “Baby-Q” cookout shower for some of mine and Ryan’s relatives. It will be interesting. A lot of my relatives I haven’t seen in a while and my parents haven’t meet much of Ryan’s family besides his Mom and Ryan’s siblings. Yesterday however my Dad did get to me Grandma Judi and PawPaw Tom (Ryan’s Dads parents, Jason & Reece’s great grandparents). We went over to their old house to pick up a washer, dryer and refrigerator. We are storing it here for Ry and I and hopefully come the first of the year we will be in a place of our own and will be able to use it. We will see what happens with that. We had a plan in mind that we thought would work out, but it seems as though that might fall through the cracks. If that’s the case we will either pay rent somewhere else or possibly be moving to the Dallas area if Ryan’s Dad is able to land him a better job in that area. I am not very fond on the idea of leaving our families. If it were just us and no babies I would say sure lets more wherever you want. However with the boys on the way I feel its important that they grow up knowing relatives and family members who for the most part are all close by. I guess you got to do what you got to do. In our case we need to get stable and on our own two feet and if it means having to move in order for Ryan to have a decent job with benefits then I guess that is what we will have to do. One day at a time…
As for today, the sunshine is out. I have recently started reading to the boys because everything I read says they become familiar with your vocalizations more so around 30 weeks and on. We are just a day from 30 weeks so reading aloud has been a little past time. Lucky for them the teacher in me already has tons and tons of books for kids put away from my classroom and for little readers! Plus I really enjoy children’s stories. We have also been listening to lullaby’s. In fact as weird as it might be I am in the bathtub now soaking my feet and back, playing lullaby’s on full blast and of course updating the blog! (Go ahead and laugh or shake your head haha) Once I get out of here I might take an afternoon nap, find something to eat for lunch and go outside and enjoy the warm sunshine! I love sitting outside in the evenings. Around our house we do it pretty often. Last night Dad, Ryan and I sat outside while grilling steaks playing Wahoo for several hours. Good times, good times! Well I have been rambling long enough so I guess I’ll tune into the lullaby's and rinse my hair. Congratulations Melissa and Cole HERVEY! I Hope you two have a wonderful honeymoon and just as a side not Jason and Reece would like more friends…maybe ever a girl since everyone else seems to be having boys right now ;) only kidding, I love you bestie!
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