Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Newest Updates

I am still making minor changes but here is the current 411 for the week. I will try to keep it short and sweet.
  • On Monday we had our measurement check. Jason was 1lb 15 oz and Reece was 1lb 2 oz. I spent the majority of the afternoon chit chatting with Sheila and relaxing when possible.
  • On Tuesday 3 of my lovely DG sisters, Jennifer, Kristen, and Sara came to see me for the day. We had lots of fun eating Mexican food, playing games and of course opening baby gifts! Thank you girls soooooo much! I did have an increase of contractions and the nurse had to call Dr. Rowe. The weird thing about it was I felt maybe two however in about 15 minutes I had 8 which is usually not a good sign, but didn't worry because I never heard from Dr. Rowe that afternoon.
  • On Wednesday Dr. Rowe and the nurse came in at the crack of dawn to do another "fetal fiber blahblahblah whatever" test. This is the same test they did a few weeks ago where they can check to see if you will go into labor within the next two weeks. The test was negative so I should be in the clear. My cervix is still at 3cm so that is good news also! (It's sad when that is one of the major highlights in your life!) I spent the rest of the day again with Jen, Kris, and Sara playing Banana Grams and talking before they got back on the road.
  • On Thursday I slept till 11:30 and worked on designing the blog layout. Thank goodness for Adobe Photoshop. My free trial expires in about 20 days so I will be on the look out for a new photo/picture editing program that's equally as advanced. My contractions today were back to the normal 2-5 in an hour and the babies were difficult to monitor...or should I say baby (uh uh hummm....REECE!). My evening was interrupted with a loud uproar of the nurses signing the graduation song equipped with a graduation cap complete with the 2009 tassel, balloons, a cookie cake, and a graduation picture frame as a gift. Following behind them were Ryan, my mom, sister, and Aunt Booboo. I seriously thought my heart had just jumped out of my chest I was so so surprised. The nurses filmed and took pictures. I had good intentions of putting on a little make-up and doing my hair this afternoon. but then changed my mind since Ryans mom was the only one I was expecting and said she couldn't make it. Ha ha so needless to say I was look a little rough. I did however throw on a little make-up for the occasion after the fact.

I guess that is about it. It's nearly 1:30am and I should be sleeping. Lately I have found that at night I can't sleep because the boys are nocturnal karate choppers and enjoy practicing when its dark out. Usually around 6 I start sleeping really good till about 11 or 12 in between nurses, doctors, cafe workers and housekeeping in the morning coming in and out of my room. Ryan Shea is sound asleep. He is pulling his usual snoring routine and I have even heard him mumble a few words over there. I don't dear wake him up though. Use to I would tell him to roll over or hit him in the middle of the that I can rest during the day I find it selfish to get him up knowing hes getting up early to drive to work. Sure hope Jason & Reece take after his sweet personality and good looks and leave his sleeping habits behind! On second thought never mind...if they take after my sleeping habits they will be wide awake all night long! Goodnight and I will update you again soon!


  1. You're in my prayers girlie. Glad to hear everything is going better!

  2. That was soooooo sweet of everyone to throw you a graduation party at the hospital!! And you didn't need any make up Amanda! You looked gorgeous! Congrats fellow grad!!

  3. I agree you look beautiful in those pix!! Ok if you get bored you need to beautify my Germany blog!! I am so jealous of how freakin adorable yours is!! If you didn't already know about about my germany blog its:
    Granted I don't update as much as you but then again Im not in Germany yet ;-)
    Im so happy to hear about the babies weight- prayers work babe! Take care of yourself and keep those cuties a cookin!

  4. Hey you are doing LOTS with your time- like cookin those babies! So what is digital scrapbooking?? Is there a program you use or what? Send me the details because it sounds like that'll be easier for me while I'm traveling and such!

  5. Aww thanks I know your boys will be too! That is funny that we are both Amanda and Ryan. What's even funnier is that I just noticed you two have the same last name. How cool is that? Also Congrats with graduating! You look so precious preggers. Have a good night! You're always in my prayers!
