After I rested up for a while this morning Sheila came by for several hours and brought me chickfila as well as some hospital goodies to keep my tummy full and of course myself entertained. She is the biggest Twilight book fan I know and was curious how I liked them so far. Kortney was sweet enough to bring me the series. I am still on the first book and I am still waiting on it to get good. I have found it to be a little slow, but Sheila says keep going and it gets good. Overall its ok so far, but I am excited to see what’s to come and if this stupid vampire that everyone “fell in love with” eats the girl or not. As I told Sheila, Bella is an idiot for letting his breathe on her neck! Seriously, come on?!?
Oh another story…so last night it was time for monitoring and during the day the boys did pretty good. Reece was up high up in my ribs and Jason as the nurse said, “was in my leg”. Typically they don’t move far very quickly and stay within the general area or slightly over in one direction. Well one of my favorite nurses had me last night who knows her stuff and after about 20 minutes of not hearing a heartbeat from Reece or static indicating movement she went to go get the Doppler. The Doppler helps them detect the heartbeat and picks it up far better than the monitoring machines. Nearly an hour total had gone by and by this point I was worried. I knew we weren’t hearing anything and what we did hear was Jason off to the other side. I started getting a little panicky and said ok Karen your making me panic. From the look on her face I already knew she was and she kinda said softy I am not going to lie I am too. About 5 to 15 minutes later she moved the belts down on A and as luck would have it that stinking little munchkin had gone from the top of my right rib down to what the other nurse said was a “crotch baby” (sorry a little inappropriate…but you get the idea). I had small tears in my eyes when I heard the little thump of his heart loud and clear. With some nurses that take a while I think to myself yah they aren’t use to the boys however Karen knows all of us very well by this point and that was the first time EVER we didn’t hear anything AT ALL. It was rather scary. In the end we were able to get to strips of monitoring from both boys. I did have 6 contractions last night within the hour, but Karen said since they weren’t causing severe pain she wasn’t going to IV me and would let Dr. Rowe know. (He wasn’t too concerned either because my cervix hasn’t gotten any shorter).
I have added pictures from Mothers Day. On Friday I was told that I get 20-30 minutes outside or in the wheelchair now a day. On Saturday Ryan and Chris Mac came by before heading out to Galveston to pack up his stuff and rolled me around the entire outside property of the hospital. Ryan is a dangerous driver to say the least and like to do wheelies and nearly threw me out of the chair going over a crack by the front door. Haha. Later on Saturday evening Mom came up and brought in Zios for dinner which was a wonderful treat! We played Yahtzee and chatted until it was time to be monitored. On Sunday morning I woke up to a mother’s day card at my bedside from Mom and her on her way out to go get us breakfast. I had a wonder koloche, cinnamon roll and orange. We spent the day talking, eating lunch, out on a wheelchair ride and well entertaining ourselves at the hospital. It was great to have her here! That evening after Mom left Ryan came up and unfortunately due to all of the monitoring complications with Reece and the contractions I was hooked up most of the evening until it was time for bed.
Well I think that is all I have for now. Tomorrow two of my DG Girls, Kristen and Sara, are going to be in town! I am really looking forward to seeing the both of them. Like I said earlier I added mother’s day pictures. I also added picture of the ultrasound pictures since I do not have a way to scan them here at the hospital. Enjoy looking at my growing baby boys and ahhh, doesn’t Reece have just the cutest little nose? I am going to BEG Dr. Rowe to do a 3D at my 29 week measurement check in two weeks.
Oh yes, I added my answers to the pregnancy reflections if you care to read...
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