Tuesday, May 26, 2009


YAY GOOD NEWS…my doctor’s appointment today went really really good! I now weigh 161 lbs (holly cow, literally!) When I first got on the scale and they had to move the heavy weight from 100 to 150 I was like oh my gosh. Then the nurse moved it to 150 plus 126 totaling at 176 lbs. As it turns out my doctor thought he was being funny and put his foot on the back of the scale to throw it off. Of course when it was 161 he said “girl you have been eating now that your home!” Heck yes I have been eating. Feed me something other than your bland nasty food and this girl eats! The ultra sounds looked good as well. Reece’s artery and all of that jazz hasn’t changed. Basically same old tune just further down the road. With that being said the babies were measured today.

Jason weight 2lbs 11oz and is 28 weeks and 5 days.
Reece weighs 1lb 10oz and is 25 weeks and 5 day.

That means there’s only a 3 week gap between the two and slowly Reece is gaining on Jason. At the very start of all of this he was nearly 5 weeks behind. He is still a lot smaller, but from what we can tell besides the blood flow in that one artery he is still looking good. Its crazy to think that 6 weeks ago the doctors were saying Recce had a 10% chance of survival. Once I hit 30 weeks, which is 5 days from now, both babies have a 99% chance of survival. All I can say to this is, thank you God and thank you to everyone who is and has been praying for my little miracles! After the ultra sound they took me into another room to monitor me for contractions (again today as if this morning and tonight isn't enough) and to watch and monitor the heartbeats. After the doctor today Ashley & I awarded ourselves with marble Slab Ice Cream. So make that 161 lbs 171 because mine was huge with a chocolate covered waffle cone and extra carmel, but sooooo delicious!
Okay I have been promising new pictures and here are some from this weekend and today. I still have ultra sound pictures and will put up nursery pictures soon I promise. The scanner is downstairs and I am up so I try to avoide going up and down as much as possible. These are funny though :)

My sweet Ryan rubbing my feet for me in the evenings after being on them here and there. An extra 40 lbs will kill your feet. I swear by the time I am done they will be flat! Goodbye arches.

Random picture of my belly at 29 weeks and 1 day. Its growing and still stretch mark free. I am getting the line from the belly button as you can see. I can't even see it though unless I take a picture of it. haha

Ryan and I on Memorial Day. I tried getting some sun on my white legs. Not much luck but the sunshine sure did feel good!!!

Cute picture of Ryan & Bailey at the house!

Huffman friends Jen B and Sheila came to see me this weekend.

Baby monitor at the doctors office. Left is Jasons heartbeat and the right is Reeces.

Heartbeat monitor again.

My sister thought she was being funny lol.

Big old me being monitored!

Again, me being monitored!

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