So yesterdays test results came back showing that the Ph levels indicated that Reece does not have acid reflux after all. They put him on Reglan which will help his digestive system and hopefully reduce the spitting up. As for Jason the rice cereal seems to be helping. I haven’t noticed near as much spitting up and hardly any major blows. I had hoped for another good night of sleep from the little man last night after the night before went so well but that was wishful thinking. I stayed up waiting for Ryan to get home from being with Reece which was dumb on my part because Baby J was sleeping. Of course by the time Ryan got in it was time for J to eat and so at 1am we finished up with feedings. I had to rock and soothe him till 2am and finally he went to sleep but woke up around 3ish and I put him in bed with me and at 4am it was time to feed again. After the 4m feeding going back to sleep wasn’t an option for him. He was wide awake and fussy. I sang Old McDonald for nearly an hour. Eventually I ran out of farm animals and had to change to “Old McD had a zoo” just so I could come up with more animals and sounds. At 5:30 I was about ready to die my eyes hurt so badly and my head was throbbing. I asked Ryan if he could sit with him till he got up an hour later since he had been asleep or if I should take him downstairs. He opted to take him downstairs so Baby J slept with Grandma while I got some shut eye for a couple of hours.
I have decided I am going to go INSANE once my sister goes back to school. “Aunt Ashy” has been a huge help during the day holding and feeding here and there so I can rest or take a short break and she enjoys it. Jason takes to her as if he’s her own. That sounds bad coming from me, but honestly once he goes to her it’s calm again. It’s like magic. I am defiantly going to have to call in the troops once she leaves because for sure by that time both little munchkins should be home or maybe J can wear his Aggie onsie from Sarah and go off to Maroon Land with her. Ha again, only kidding.
This afternoon I plan on going to see Reece and J will stay here with Dad. Tomorrow I have errands that I need to run before going to the wedding on Saturday so Baby J will get some more Dad time. Kortneys big day is on Saturday and I am so EXCITED for a break away from the house with some friends. The wedding is in Galveston and a bunch of girls from Tyler will be there. I haven’t seen or had a social life since April and even before then it was limited because I was so sick my first and some of my second trimester. Yay yay yay! My old roommate from Tyler, Melissa (S), will be staying here and driving to the wedding with me Saturday evening. I am afraid though that will also be the big day for Reece. We shall see, but if he does indeed take to the medicine and it helps the spit up I bet they send them. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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