So it’s been a while, I know. This last week has been crazy insane and I have had lots and lots going on. Ryan and I moved in to my great grandmothers house a few houses down from my parents house. All of us living together started to be a little much, but luckily my grandfather said we could move in there for a while and just pay the electric bill each month. So needless to say Ryan and I spent the vast majority of the weekend moving both our stuff and the babies stuff over to the house and a whole lot of time cleaning because nobody has been living in it for about two years. The house has a lot of great potential, but Ryan and I are making do with the current 1970’s interior.
A side from that the boys are doing good. Jason has had an increase of projectile spit up in the last week, but it comes and goes. However when he blows, he blows! You can usually count on having to bath him from head to toe because it gets all over his face, in his ears, his eyes…YOU NAME IT! Its pretty awful and messy. The other day right after his bath he did it and Ryan happened to be near the diaper bag, my purse, and other bags…you could just say there was a bit of a puddle in each of the bags that were open. It was awful! As for Reece, he is doing about the same with the reflux from the nose. His usually never comes from his mouth and always drains from his little nostrils. It’s so sad because I know it must be irritating for him and all of that mess gets in his sinuses and makes his breathing difficult. Poor baby boy…we did however go to the doctor on Friday and saw a NEW doctor who Ryan and I both really liked. She prescribed Reece an additional medicine that’s only given once a day and said we should see a change in a week to two weeks. Yay! She also said I could give it Jason and it should also help his food settle on his tummy too. The medicine had to be approved through the insurance company and the doctor had to submit orders for it to be filled so it will take a couple of days to get and have them start on it. I can’t wait for them to grow out of this or to find a fix for it (as I currently sit on the couch with dried up spit all down the leg of my black pants and two rather large wet spots on my shirt…what’s the point in changing and having more laundry to do?)
In other news Reece goes to the cardiologist on Sept. 23rd and both boys have their two month checkup on Sept. 2nd. Can you believe they are nearly 2 months old? I can’t they are growing like weeds! (Or at last Jason is) J is finally starting to outgrow most all of his newborn clothing and is in 0-3 months. Reece on the other hand is still getting good wear out of his preemie and most for it I think will still fit him for a few more weeks to come. He is such a little shrimp.
Well I think that is about it for now. I just finished ironing clothes at my mom’s house. We have a deal that I can come here and use the net and do a little laundry and cleaning in exchange for $50.00 a week and internet (plus I cranked the AC up over at our house for the day while I am not there…ha)
LOTS & LOTS of pictures from the last week ½ that I haven’t uploaded with blog entries because I simply haven’t had a chance… OH yes, Reece weighed 5lbs 8oz at the doctor on Friday….
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