Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered!

Jason: Dr. Stanley said he needs to go on WeightWatchers. Ha not that he’s truly overweight, he just looks like porky pig next to Reece. I did ask if the 22 calorie formula was too much for him and he said yes so we are putting him on regular Similac Advance as opposed to the Neosure. Obviously he is well feed and gaining weight. He now weighs 8 pounds 3 ounces and is growing a little bit more each day. The spitting up also seems to be somewhat better. Now he spits up but its about equivalent to what any other baby would do at his age.

Reece: Ohhhhh Reecy Boy…here to begin? Well we got referrals for him to see the urologist for his penis. Of course Dr. Stanley said that would have to be corrected but the urologist would make the call as to when. He also got a referral for a cardiologist because of the heart murmur. He said he didn’t hear it, but only the cardiologist would be able to tell if the PDA has closed. As for his dimple Dr. Stanley said that if they did an x-ray on it while in the NICU and weren’t concerned he too said he wasn’t going to do anything now, but was surprised we haven’t seen a neurologist. He said at this point though it would be hard to tell if the dimple would have any effect or not and the biggest concern would be spina bifida. He said we wouldn’t start to notice till he starts crawling and walking if that was the case. We are keeping our fingers crossed that nothing ever comes of the dimple. In other news Reece also has an undeveloped 3rd nipple. Yes, as weird as it sounds its nothing like you are picturing. Dr. Stanley said its common and it won’t ever look anything more than a shadow or mole. I about fell over when he told me my kid has 3 nipples. Interesting. What else? Oh, I brought up the allergies and watery eyes. He put Reece on a different formula which I don’t have in front of me to tell you what it is but its supposed to be easier to digest and good for allergies. Who knows? After his feed with it this evening he wasn’t too happy and the reflux was pretty bad. We will give it a few days. If I don’t see a change come Monday I am going to go back to the Neosure because it’s the only formula according to Dr. Stanley that has more than 20 calories. Oh and Reece weighs 4 pounds 15 ounces.

I think that about sums up the doctor visits. They go back in two weeks and Jason will get his immunizations but Reece will still be too small. They boys had their last outing today till they both get their shots. I HAD to run some errands today and since it was already in the plans they were forced to tag along. From here on out they will remain at home with the exception of the 19th when I have to go to Webster for my doctors appointment. I really want Dr. Rowe to see the boys and the vast majority of the outing will be spent in the car. Dr. Stanley put in the request for the boys to get the RSV vaccination, but he said insurance companies make it really hard to get so he didn’t know if that would happen and without the coverage it costs thousands of dollars…but he said he would def. sugest doing it if they cover it. I think when we go back in two weeks I am going to check out another doctor who is a little more proactive. I felt like all the changes today were only made because I had suggested the changes, not because he thought they needed to be done. Who knows…

After the doctors office we went to Mrs. Ginas office because they were closed for lunch and the boys also needed their lunch. It worked out perfect because I didn’t have to get them out and feed in a public place or try and toss everything around in the car. After lunch we headed to target for more baby essentials and formula as well as to make a few returns and purchase more Dr. Brown bottles. Then we headed over to Kohls to check out the baby clothing since we had a 30% off coupon but were disappointed because everything was very picked over. So instead I get two new dresses, a shirt and some undergarments that aren’t fat prego attire. On the way home I stopped at a dear friend’s house to say hello. The other set of Williams Twins that I know I started babysitting for while I was in high school when they were nearly the same age as Jason and Reece. Needless to say those precious babies have grown up and will be starting school this year and it was funny to see the babies I use to take care of hold and take care of my babies. So so sweet! Bryce is all boy and I hope my boys are as much fun as we is and that they find them a girlfriend as beautiful as Laci. Haha their Mommy will have her hands full this next school year!

Well my babies are sleeping (all 3 of them) and I am waiting for 11:30 to roll around to give Reece his medicine and to start feeding Jason. I am staying up till 3 and then Ryan I staking over for the remainder of the morning. It’s wonderful that he now doesn’t work on Fridays because that means one more night of having his help and not feeling bad about getting his rear end out of bed!

Williams Twins x2!!! Bryce with Jason & Laci with Reece :)

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