Sunday, November 1, 2009

4 month old checkup

So yesterday I took the boys to see Dr. Smoot, their pediatrician, and there are lots of updates, all of which I was expecting. For starters here are all of their measurements:

Weight: 9. 6 ½ lbs.
Height: 21 ½ in.
Head Cir: 14 ¾ in.

Weight: 14. 2 ½ lbs.
Height: 24 in.
Head Cir: 15 ¾ in.

In regards to size Reece has improved and has show significant growth since his last weigh in as Dr. Smoot said, but is still much smaller than where they would like to see him be. Basically he has how own growth curve that’s not on the charts just as he did when I was pregnant. Very bazaar to me…as for Jason well, the chunk is getting chunkier! He has really taken off and is right where he should be. As Dr. Smoot said, you can hardly consider him a preemie anymore and by looking at him you would never know. People REALLY don’t believe me now when I say they are twins which makes me laugh because how in the world do they think I have a baby a few months old and a “newborn”?

In other news, Jason was just fine. There was a small spot on his penis where the skin had reattached and she had to break the seal. It sounds a lot worse than it is. He didn’t even fuss over it and its nothing to worry about. As for Reece, where to begin? First of all he is a lot smaller which is a given so she wants to see him eat as often as possible (which I feel like I already do) and try and keep him from burning too many calories (which I feel like he doesn’t do). The next topic was the “reflux”. I am starting to have my doubts if it is all linked to reflux. There are too many weird things. Most babies spit up out their mouth, but not Reece. His nose doesn’t run when he sounds like he has a cold. Instead all of the mucus and snot builds up and eventually that comes out the mouth. To me it seems like there is some blockage, but I am not the doctor. Dr. Smoot still feels like its just reflux as I was describing the symptoms. Luckily I had taken in a few pictures of Reece from his big spills and while we were in the office with the doctor all of 20 minutes he had 3 instances where he had small spit ups, but she could see the pain, frustration and irritation that it caused him and how frequently it occurs. So the end result was to order an upper GI, referral to a gastro doctor, double the dose of Prevacid, and change from Raglan to a different prescription that is a little stronger. I haven’t had a chance to read on it yet, but I am hoping it is a little easier on the body than the Raglan. We shall see if any changes occur. In the mean time I have to wait on the call to see the gastro.

It didn’t stop there for Reece…several weeks ago my Mom pointed out how funny his 2nd & 3rd toes are on his feet. Something I too had noticed but didn’t realize there was need for concern. Anyway I pointed it out to the doctor and he has two webbed two on each foot where it looks like they didn’t separate enough. She said that she didn’t forsee it to cause problems later, although it could it was fairly unlikely. Webbed toes are fairly common and most the time it doesn’t cause problems with walking or balance. She said we could do surgery to fix it but the surgery is usually done later in life and is a big surgery because the entire foot has to be reconstructed. My take on that is no way unless it is a problem later and is needed. Also several weeks ago while bathing Reece with my sister I asked her is his man parts looked funny. I know this sounds weird but they don’t look the same way Jason’s do aside from the hypospadeis. So I was feeling Reece I could only feel one little knot where on Jason it’s clear as day he has two. I didn’t bring it up with the doctor since Reece goes to the urologist in about two and half weeks, but she too noticed it when doing his checkup. She said that it could very well be that it hasn’t dropped and they will have to go in surgically and pull it down, or it may be that he only has one.

So that concludes all the physical problems which now brings me to developmental problems. She asked if I thought the boys where were they should be developmentally and I knew this was coming eventually and I said no. Jason I am not worried about, but Reece just isn’t there yet. So she went through a list of questions…

Do they…
Rollover: Jason once or twice, Reece not at all
Laugh: Jason just started, Reece not at all
Smile: Jason all the time, Reece just started more of a half grin/smirk
Bat at objects: Jason just started, Reece not at all
Kick at objects: Jason all the time, Reece jusst started
Head control: Jason yes, Reece yes but for shorter periods of time
Lift their head: Jason yes, Reece very little
Hold their head up for 15 seconds at a time: Jason yes, Reece no
Follow objects with eyes: Jason yes, Reece yes
Discovered hands: Jason not fully, Reece not fully

So of course with all the no’s from Reece he isn’t exactly where he should be but the poor thing isn’t even 9 and half pounds yet either. She said with him prematurity it is going to take longer usually for him to catch up given that he was so small at birth. As a result of she highly suggested I contact ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) which is a program for children birth to three years. Again, I haven’t gotten to look into much yet till I can get online. I do know a little about it only from some of my special education classes from college (and no its no a special education program, it is an intervention program). Basically they come out to your home and observe your children in their regular daily activities. Typically they ask that you go about whatever you would normally do and they sit and watch and see how your child responds and where their struggles are. Dr. Smoot said she recommends the program for ALL premature infants so they can be evaluated at least once. She said he felt fairly certain that Reece would qualify for both physical and optical therapy. So I also will be setting that up! The ECI has a website which is

So that is it. My perspective on it? Well looking on the bright side, so far there is still nothing so serious that it’s uncorrectable which a very big positive! I remind myself when they find these little quirks that this is the same child who in April they said wouldn’t make it to birth and could be born with very severe problems. Thank the Lord we aren’t faced with the big problems like so many other families. As for what we are faced with, like I said its all correctable and at this point isn’t anything to be alarmed about. Children develop at different rates and Reece we knew would take a little longer to get going. I still believe that all in all he is healthy. I think the reflux has been a big set back for him simply because in my mind that’s what’s causing him to not get all the calories he consumes and keeps him from doing certain activities. For example, the boys get tummy time daily. Reece’s time usually results in 2-3 minutes and then here comes all the mess out of his nose and he is crying and in pain and when I put him back on his tummy he usually just keeps his head rested because he is worn out. Bless his sweet heart. As for the upper GI and ECI program…why worry about it now till that time comes. It is a little frustrating to me and when I was talking to Ryan last night he asked well what are we doing wrong? Like I told him its nothing that we aren’t doing, it just simply he hasn’t had enough time to have enough of what he needs. Literally for nearly 2 months he was in the NICU just trying to grow and wasn’t doing what normal two months olds are doing so it all just takes time.

In the mean time I will ask that you please thank the Lord for all the blessings he has provided Reece with because just by looking at him you wouldn’t think much other than he is smaller and not as strong as Jason, which in reality you cannot even begin to compare the two because they have such different circumstances. They are individually unique and different and will always have their differences.

Oh and a side note…Jason’s head full of hair is starting to fall out! This kid is going to be bald before we know it! Ok well its time for me to go wake up Ryan and get him off to work and put my sleepy heads back to bed so I too can go back to sleep.

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