So Monday and Tuesday night were awful when it came time for Jason to go to bed. Literally for nearly two hours I was going into his room and putting his nunu in his mouth and going back and forth from our room to his. Eventually Ryan and I said this has got to stop. I went to his room filled his tummy up, changed him again, rocked till he fell asleep and then put him in his bed just as we always do. So after repeating the routine and laying him down he wakes up again so I started his mobile, left the room and shut the door behind me. Well within about 2 minutes he realized he was alone and pitched a fit again. We closed our door too and left the monitor on low. 25 minutes of nonstop crying went by and Ryan went to get him. It was funny but sad because I could hear his little voice quivering when Ryan picked him up. We laid him in bed with us and within 5 minutes he was sound asleep. Ah!
So tonight, my Mom and Dad came to our house and stayed with the boys for about an hour and half while Ryan and I went over to their house and relaxed for a bit and sat in the hot tub. (So nice and such a treat!) So when I came home the house was content. MY mom has Reece in her arms asleep and I looked around for Jason. My parents already had him sound asleep in bed at 8:30! WHAT? My words to them were its not going to last, but boy did he prove me wrong! Jason slept till 4:30 this morning which was wonderful after the last few nights of awfulness. As for Reece, well he too slept till about 10:15 and then woke up and I feed him what he would take of his bottle and he went to bed with us. I woke him up at 4:30 this morning to because I wanted him to eat. Little rascals I wonder if Jason thinks I am a push over because with me its such a battle and when its my parents or sister it seems to be no problem! Ha oh well what can you do?!?
I have to cut this short…the smell of spit up down my shirt is making me want to spit up! Its pretty awful and I need to change!
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