Saturday, November 14, 2009


Reece went to the urologist on Friday for his hypospadius. We were told when he was in NICU that it could be corrected, but we just didn't know at what age. As it turns out the surgery is usually done between ages 6-9 months. The surgery is a few hours long and will require him to go under with anesthesia. Due to Reeces size my doctor said that we could count on doing the surgery in about 6 months. Basically what they will do is goin and extend the whole to the top of the penis, straighten it out and perform the circumcision. He will be sent home with a catheter for about 5 to 7 days and after that should be good to go. In other news when we were at our well check up my doctor was concerned that he may only have one testicle. He does indeed have two, but both are a little high up and the doctor did not seem to be concerned. In other news, he knows the ENT doctor we are seeing on Monday and said that IF Reece has to have any other surgery due to his feeding and spit-up problems that he would work with Dr. Surlek to schedule the surgery so that he wouldn't have to go under two seperate times if possible. So that is about all thats going on in Reecey's world.

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