Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Well once again I have delayed in posting, but I haven’t been online at a computer since last weekend. I just don’t have the time to go get online now that the boys are all over the place. Jason right now is at my favorite stage. He is such a joy and so much fun to play with. This week he drank juice from a sippy straw cup. I wouldn’t say he has it mastered since it was just one day but we are still working on it. He ended up spitting up the juice so the second time around he wasn’t as interested. He is also scooting like crazy. He wants to crawl so badly but just can’t seem to figure it out. He did manage to get a good 4 feet just by scooting and rolling over and over. Last but not least he is starting to figure out that when in the walker he can get place to place (very slowly) and has tired opening the kitchen cabinets several times. It looks like I might have to start baby proofing. It seems just like yesterday the little monsters were born.

As for our week we have been a little busy, but all and all not too bad. Monday my grandparents came out to the house to see J & R. It was great because while they sat and played with the boys I was able to cook and prepare two meals for the week in advance. It always makes things easy just to be able to pull out something and pop it in the oven as opposed to doing all the prep work the same day.

Tuesday I had a doctor’s appointment that afternoon so the boys went for a visit over to Aunt Laurie’s and played with bother her and Shel for a while. Funny because when I got back their dog had stolen and partially ate Reece’s nunu and on Thursday Aunt Laurie gave me a bottle of Milacon that one of the dogs hid but hadn’t consumed.

Wednesday I ended up taking Reece to the doctor. He had been really fussy on Tuesday evening and was running 102 fever. His nose was still runny with congestion so I had the doctor check his ears and chest just in case anything had settled. Sure enough he had a left ear infection and is now on antibiotics till March 10th. He seems to be much happier now and we haven’t had any more fever which is wonderful! That evening Ryan’s mom and boyfriend and Ryan’s brother all came over for dinner since Trevor is leaving for the Air Force for the weekend. DeRinda brought over two pies and ugh they are so tempting to gobble all up in my fridge.

Until next time that’s about it except for these cute pictures I had to share of my sleepy boys earlier in the week.

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