Thursday, February 25, 2010

ByeBye Trevor!

As I have mentioned, Ryans brother, Trevor, is leaving for the Air Force on Monday. As a send off/celebration, we went to dinner with Grandma Judi, PaPa Tom, Gayle and Faye, Aunt Jana, Ryan’s Dad, Gigi and kids…what a bunch is all I can say! We had a really good time and enjoyed wonderful fajitas. The boys get 6 out of 10 for behavior. We didn’t have dinner till 7:30 which is right when the boys usually go to sleep. So needless to say they were a little fussy and sitting at a table for two hours doesn’t always go over well with Jason and Reece. Here are some pictures from the night. Good luck Trev and when you come back Jason and Reece will probably be walking!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Well once again I have delayed in posting, but I haven’t been online at a computer since last weekend. I just don’t have the time to go get online now that the boys are all over the place. Jason right now is at my favorite stage. He is such a joy and so much fun to play with. This week he drank juice from a sippy straw cup. I wouldn’t say he has it mastered since it was just one day but we are still working on it. He ended up spitting up the juice so the second time around he wasn’t as interested. He is also scooting like crazy. He wants to crawl so badly but just can’t seem to figure it out. He did manage to get a good 4 feet just by scooting and rolling over and over. Last but not least he is starting to figure out that when in the walker he can get place to place (very slowly) and has tired opening the kitchen cabinets several times. It looks like I might have to start baby proofing. It seems just like yesterday the little monsters were born.

As for our week we have been a little busy, but all and all not too bad. Monday my grandparents came out to the house to see J & R. It was great because while they sat and played with the boys I was able to cook and prepare two meals for the week in advance. It always makes things easy just to be able to pull out something and pop it in the oven as opposed to doing all the prep work the same day.

Tuesday I had a doctor’s appointment that afternoon so the boys went for a visit over to Aunt Laurie’s and played with bother her and Shel for a while. Funny because when I got back their dog had stolen and partially ate Reece’s nunu and on Thursday Aunt Laurie gave me a bottle of Milacon that one of the dogs hid but hadn’t consumed.

Wednesday I ended up taking Reece to the doctor. He had been really fussy on Tuesday evening and was running 102 fever. His nose was still runny with congestion so I had the doctor check his ears and chest just in case anything had settled. Sure enough he had a left ear infection and is now on antibiotics till March 10th. He seems to be much happier now and we haven’t had any more fever which is wonderful! That evening Ryan’s mom and boyfriend and Ryan’s brother all came over for dinner since Trevor is leaving for the Air Force for the weekend. DeRinda brought over two pies and ugh they are so tempting to gobble all up in my fridge.

Until next time that’s about it except for these cute pictures I had to share of my sleepy boys earlier in the week.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Date Day

Ryan I had our first date in a long time. We were originally suppose to go to the Rockets game Saturday night, but due to something that came up at work he was unable to make it home in time for us to make it to the game. My parents, being the absolute best, offered to keep the boys during the day Sunday while we got out for the day. I guess with the Olympics being on Ry decided we needed to go ice skating, so we did! We went to the Galleria which was fun. We did a little bit of shopping for the boys and then hit the ice followed by dinner at the Rainforest CafĂ©. On our way home we did our grocery shopping and picked up the boys right as they fell asleep. It was so nice to have a baby free day however there were several things at the Galleria that Ryan and I saw that made us say “Ohh when the boys get bigger they have to do or see this”. We tend to do that a lot!

My parents enjoyed the day too. My Mom has just been going on and one about how good the boys were. I guess they wore them out because Jason was asleep at 8 and slept till 9 this morning. Reece woke up at 6:30 and went back to sleep till about 8:30. Ahhh nothing better than a full nights sleep!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Play Day!

Today was so a total play day and fun. I joined KAMOM long ago (a group for Moms with multiples), but needless to say haven’t been very active. It seems like the boys are either, sick, have doctor visits or it just doesn’t work out to make most events. Today I was determined to get out of the house and the boys were doing better so we went to the newborn play group. A total of 8 boys all born in June, the same month the boys were born. Here are a few pictures we snapped. Talk about a circus act. I only thought it was bad when I went out alone…much less with a set of triplets, another set of twins and a singleton.

Stroller one: Anthony, Robert, Brian (in no specific order lol)
Stroller 2: My babies
Stroller 3: Ivan
Stroller 4: Evan, Ethan


Baby J


Robert, Brian, & Anthony

Evan & Ethan

After the play group the boys and I went to see Granmda Judi & Papa Tom. Of course I took some more pictures. Jason loves all the cats and Missy too! I showed Grandma Judi how to use facebook haha.

Where is that cat?

Smile boys!

Pictures as promised...

Yesterday I said I would post a few pictures I wanted to share from the week…here they are. I don’t have anything much to blog about them except I just love my little cuties!

This is from Monday when I took Reece to the doctor. Trying to entertain Jason while Reece was seen by the doctor. Ha good luck with that!

Nana came to see the boys and to bring their vday gift. Reece was sleeping or I would have taken a picture of him too!

Daddy & J watching TV together. Again, Reece was sleeping. Hm maybe I need to start snapping more of little man when he is awake!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Under the Weather Week

Monday I ended up taking Reece to the doctor. His cough wasn't getting any better and I wanted to make sure that his lungs were clear and ears looked good. Luckily, everything came back fine. The doctor gave us an oral steroid to use if the coughing came to a point where he couldn't breathe. So far its getting better and we didn't have to use the steroid. Jason has had goopy green eyes and a snot nose during the morning hours and when he wakes up to feed at night. This morning things were looking better for both of them. I woke up with a sore throat and my ears ringing, but I try to block it out because who has time to be sick? Mind of matter!
I have pictures to post and a few stories, but right now I am in the works of restoring my computer which means I need to reload all of my personal files back onto my system. Grr, but at least now I don't have to worry with buying a new computer in a few months. Yay for that!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh the Weekend...

Sick babies aren't much fun. Friday night at about 2am I woke up with Reece burning up. I checked his temperature and he was running 102.2. Bless his sweet heart...he was so cranky and miserable so I put him in bed with me for a little while after giving him Tylenol. Resting in bed wasn't really working so i dressed him down to the diaper and wrapped a light blanket around him and rocked him for about an hour. By morning him fever was back down, but I didn't do much sleeping because I was a little worried. Even though the fever was down I called the doctor. They said that since I broke the fever there is no reason to bring him for a cough and congestion and I still can't give him anything over the counter due to him being small for his age. He didn't do too bad Saturday during the day. Ryan left to go hang out with his friends who were in town for the weekend so we spent the day at my Moms. I planned on staying there for the night with the boys since Ry was staying out, but that didn't work. The boys were soooo miserable and just don't sleep well unless they are in their beds. At about 10:30 I had about enough and loaded everything and everyone up to go back home. Jason cried it out in his bed for a bit before throwing up all over the place. I got him calmed down and cleaned up and then Reece started crying. We were up till one before everyone was sound asleep. At 2 Reece woke up to eat and then did the famous eruption of spit up out the nose. It doesn't happen very often anymore, but when he is congested it happens sometimes. So we had to change his bed sheets and then by 3 we were all back to sleep...WHAT A NIGHT!!! Once they were back up I came back over to my Moms this morning and we are cooking fajitas for a mid day lunch/early dinner to celebrate my sisters birthday that was this week. The boys seem to be doing better. Jason’s throw up I think was one of his typical once in a blue moon blows that he does. Reece is still coughing like crazy and his nose is runny. We will see how he is once the week gets rolling, but I have a feeling we will be checking in with the doctor again. These boys keep me on my feet. I just took a picture of them..Reecey is sleeping in Aunt Ashies arms and JJ is enjoying a little chow time with Grandma.
Today we ventured out of the house after such a rainy cold week and went to Grandma Judi’s for most of the day. I just love catching up with her and she is such wonderful company. The boys of course loved the attention just as they always do when there are extra people around. The boys were surprisingly good after there heck of a week with me. Maybe it has been the weather that has them stirred up? Judi just adored getting to spend time with them. She rocked both of them to sleep for a little nap and we all enjoyed KFC for lunch. It was really nice just to be out of the house!
So sleepy that he fell asleep sitting up. Too cute!


Today I took Reece to see the doctor. On Saturday I noticed a patch of red bumps on the back of both of his arms. It then appeared on his hands and little by little has been appearing on his body. I called yesterday and they said to give 24 hours and if it doesn’t get better to bring him in. This morning it didn’t seem better and since he was so irritable yesterday I figured it won’t hurt anything. Reece weighed 13 pounds even at the visit and the doctor said the rash is viral. He also said not to worry as long as he is eating and not running a fever or having any other symptoms. We were also given a cream to apply just in case it is dryness.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fussy Fussy

Wow this week has been rather loud around our household. Jason and Reece both have been staying up late and have been doing a lot of fighting when it comes time for bed. My wonderful Mother has been coming over in the evenings to help me out after the long days with baths, feedings and bedtime. It is always helpful to have an extra baby rocker! I will be glad when they get back to themselves again because this Moma is tired! Today was a little easier during the day compared to the last few days which was nice, but we will see how they do tonight. Tomorrow we are taking a little break and getting out of the house to go see Grandma Judi and Papa Tom. They live close by so it will be a good little day time outing and a change of scenery too! Here are a few random pictures I took of the boys while they were playing today…they don’t look fussy here, but I assure you it is short-lived!