Friday, April 23, 2010

Clothes For Roman German Matthew ;)

A friend of mine is stationed in Germany with her husband and is expecting a little boy named Roman in August! Long story short, Germany has a very limited selection of clothing and baby assessories so my friend, Keeley, had her Mom come out and get our hand-me downs! I am so excited to know that all of my boys cute little clothes are going to somebody who is thrilled to recive them. You would be surprised how hard it is to find people to take hand-me downs. While I was pregnant I was all about getting anything somebody had already used and reusing it. Especially when it comes to clothes because babies only where them a handful of times and before you know it the outfit you bought two weeks ago is too small. So yay, I am very excited Kelley can use them. I have tried giving them to others and they would say no which blows my mind because most everything still looks new and a few things still had the tags!

When Kelleys Mom and sister came out to the house to pick up the clothes I got the biggest kick out of her little sister (who is four) refering to Roman Matthew Barr as "Roman German Matthew Barr". How funny is that!?! Here are a few pictures Kelleys mom took while visiting of the boys that I thought I would share.

Thanks for the picture Kelley! It was so nice to meet you and Hannah!!!

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