Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bird catching, getaways & the BIG DAY (surgery)

Good morning! I guess I am getting an early start to my day seeing that it is 7am. Last night Ryan and I had the chance to get away and go to dinner so my Mom and sister stayed at our house with the boys and we stayed at theirs. I guess you could call it a house swap (minus the kids for us). Anyways Ryan and I had a wonderful late dinner. We got off to a late start because one Ryan had to work and two because just as we were walking out the door a bird knew into the house. Yes, you read correctly, a bird flew into our house! Ryan yelled words that are expectable for the blog and we were both cracking up hysterically chasing the bird around downstairs to get it to fly back out the door. Unfortunately the bird flew into the foyer area and ended up in the boys room. As opposed to chasing the bird back downstairs Ryan was trying to catch the little fellow using a towel. It was by far the funniest thing I have ever seen him do. I had Reece in my arms and had just sat him in the bed to watch the entertainment I grabbed the camcorder just as the bird flew over to me and started flapping around on my back under my shirt…I screamed bloody murder and was no help in the bird catching process. My sister then came in with a sheet to try and help the situation. My Mom was holding Jason and within minutes he got scared and started screaming (also very funny but sad). Eventually after the bird had flew up my shirt, scared the daylights out of Jason and landed in bed with Reece, Ashley and Ryan were able to trap the bird in the corner using the sheet as a net.

If only I had the whole thing on video we would be on Americas Funniest Home Videos. I haven’t gone back to watch what I did record because basically I turned on the camera and before I knew it the bird was on my back, so I don’t imagine much good footage is there except me screaming.
In other news, I think the boys are starting to feel better. Jason seems to be back to his old self and Reece is coming around. He still has a nasty cough and congestion from the sinus drainage. This morning my eyes are watering like crazy and I have sneezed a billion times, but over all still feel pretty great. In fact, I am going to get a massage today. Hallelujah because it is certainly needed after the job search and sick babies this past week.
The next two weeks are a little jam packed with excitement too. This next week we are leaving for our very first family get away. Some might call it a vacation, but I know nothing about taking two 10 month old babies is a vacation. We are leaving Thursday night for San Antonio. Ryans brother, Trevor, has his Air Force graduation over the weekend. Our plan is for Ryan to work Thursday while I pack up the car and get everything ready and then after the boys have had their bath and dinner we will put them in the car around their normal bed time and start the drive. Hopefully when we get there either Ryan or I can set up the pack in play and co-sleeper and transport the kids right from the car to their beds. (yah right, wishful thinking). Friday morning it looks like the festivities start at 7:15 so we will be up early early! I talked with my fellow KAMOM’s about traveling with kids and they all suggest me attempting to go back to the hotel so that the boys can at least take a solid nap and stick to their normal schedule best I can. Hopefully that will happen will a little cooperation, but who knows. Like I said nothing about this will be a vacation. I am however excited to get to get out of the house and really hope to get the boys pictures at the Alamo. Not that the Alamo is all that exciting (to me at least), but it would be cute to have in their one year scrapbook. We plan to leave Saturday afternoon and head back home so that we have at least one solid day before the BIG DAY.
I refer to the BIG DAY as Reece’s surgery day. I am not sure why, but yesterday I got a call from TCH confirming his surgery and I had in my calendar and on my appointment card May 5th, but apparently it is May 3rd, which is the Monday following our San Antonio weekend. I already know that week is going to be a long week. I would imagine Reece will be in some discomfort for a few days to follow the surgery. (Reminder this surgery is to correct his hypospadias penis) With that being said I am putting a feeler out there that on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I would love extra hands around to entertain and play with Jason. I assume Reece will be fussy and would expect the nights to be long which means Mommy is going to be pooped. So if family or close friends would like to come over and either take Jason for a walk outside or just come and play on the floor with him that would be great! He is going through a stage right now where he wants your undivided attention ALL THE TIME. He gets really jealous if somebody is holding Reece and loves to get into everything. So if you would like to help me out during the week just email me or give me a call!
Ok well I better check in on things over at my casa and see if my Mom and sister are ready to run away yet…

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