Saturday, December 19, 2009

KAMOM Santa Brunch & Grandparents

I joined Kingwood Area Mom of Multiples over the summer after learning about the group through my pediatrician’s office. They offer a bunch of “Moms Night Out”, family events and hold a monthly meeting. So far I have made it to one meeting in 6 months and we made it to our first family event. The Santa Brunch was super cute but of course Jason & Reece will enjoy the tradition more in the years to come when they can make crafts, eat goodies and decorate cookies and actually understand the concept of Santa. There were about 20 set of twins running around all over the place and parents trying to chase after their two kids. It was rather funny and just a small taste of what I have to look forward to in the years to come. There was a set of twin girls named Kate and Reece. The Mom brought Kate over and said look that baby is named Reece too and the little girl looked at Jason with a puzzled face and said in a questioning voice “Kate?”. I guess that just goes to show twins think that even their names come together in a package deal.

We got to see Santa and snap some pictures of the boys. Of course we couldn’t get them both looking because they were too preoccupied with checking out all the action that was going on around them. We didn’t mess with Santa pictures at the mall this year (have you seen the lines there? Santa is on popular man!) but will give it a shot next year!

Since we were in the Kingwood area we ended up swinging by grandma Judi & Papa Tom’s house on our way home which turned into a long extended stay and us getting home after dark. Ryan’s Dad and family were there and we also got to see Ryan’s sister and some of the family friends. That evening Ryan and I left J&R with the adults for about an hour while we grabbed dinner, a little coffee and drove around kingwood with Ryan’s stepsister, KK. It was pretty comical to watch Ryan interact with a older child. He is so good with them and truly knows how to get them laughing; however, I worry what kind of trouble my big kid is going to get into with my little kids. He busted out singing “Party In the USA” by Miley and was driving thru the big puddles in Kingwood for laughs from KK. When we got her home I told her parents if she is up all night from the hot chocolate with extra whip cream, and sprinkles and asks to go driving thru puddles it’s not my fault! Here are some pictures from our day:

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