Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Tradition

I put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations at my moms house and it makes me want a tree at our house too now. Lucky for us, Ryan’s mom has one that she is giving us so by the weekend we will have a Christmas tree. Since we don’t yet have any Christmas ornaments or any traditions we thought we would start our own…what I am going to do is have family and friends email me holiday messages for Jason & Reece. I thought it would be fun to take the messages and print them off onto star patterns and hang them on our Christmas tree. The way I will do it is make one ornament from each person. So for example if my sister did one she would email me a little note to Jason and then one to Reece. I would get them through my email and on one side of a paper star would be the message to J and the other side would be to Reece. Then I am going to run through my laminator and hang them on the tree. I figured it would be a neat little Christmas keepsake to add to their collection. If it goes over well then in the years to come I can continue it. What kid doesn’t like getting messages and what a great way to involve literacy as they get older.

I will be sending an email out to somefamily and friends...but if you are a reader of the blog and would like to contribute all you have to do is tell me your name and send the messages to

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