Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The 2 Minute "Extensive" Swallow Study

Well my hopes we built up that with the swallow study I would get answers for my little Reece but of course it was not that easy. Everyone including myself seemed to think that a swallow study included trying different formulas, textures, bottles and nipples, but that was not the case. The study last all of two minutes. He took about an ounce of formula and barium (his normal formula with his normal bottle and normal level 3 nipple) from that he had a delayed swallow, his tongue is a little weak and he was aspirating, meaning formula was getting into his airways and a little going up into the nasal passage. So then the speech therapist thickened the formula using rice cereal just as we have done at home (again his normal formula with his normal bottle and normal level y cereal nipple w/ rice mixed in) from this they said that he did better because he wasn’t aspirating. I don’t really know how they can get any information from this because like I said it was a few sucks and oh this is what happened. Who is to say that if you wouldn’t have kept the cereal bottle in longer that he wouldn’t do the same thing?

Results and treatment…they seem to think his palate is stronger than what they thought it would be. They want us to get a referral for a plastic surgeon that specializes in cleft palate to check for a mucus soft palate. They want us to do speech therapy one hour, twice a week and to use simplythick because supposedly that is the trick, thickening the formula. Last but not least they said it seems to be reflux and wants us to see GI doctor. Personally I have seen no difference. If anything he has spit up more today than he has in the last week and when he is awake he has done nothing but cry all day. I am about ready to go nuts with all of this. I sometimes wonder if he wouldn’t have a better chance of getting this all fixed if I just checked him in the hospital. I mean he is not in critical condition by no means, but seeing a doctor for 5 minutes who does not see his reactions and symptoms all day long has no clue what’s really happening if you ask me.

So here we go again…more doctor appointments, more specialists and getting nowhere.

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