Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday “PawPaw”- The Birthday Weekend Recap

September 27th: Today is my Dad’s 52nd birthday. Gesh where does the time go? Not that 52 is old, but it makes me laugh because when Ryan and I are 52 our boys will be 30 probably married and having kids of their own. I can’t even picture little J & R at a year old much less 30 years old. Wow. Anyway we spent the weekend with family and enjoy it very much. On Friday I had gone over to my parents house early to help clean up and do a few things around the house since my Mom was taking a half day at work and Uncle Dion, Laurie, Shelbi, Tyler and my grandfather were planning to come over for Dad’s birthday celebration. It started off as a one day event that we were just going to do on Friday, but around our house holidays and birthday are never just single day celebrations. So on Friday night we had all of the Beckners at our house…my little cousins don’t seem so little to me anymore. It was the first time I had seen Tyler is in quite a while and his second, but first true time around the boys other then a quick glimpse last Wednesday. We enjoyed so yummy fajitas and then the men sat around out side talking (about hunting I am sure) and the women and children stayed inside playing with babies. Here are a few pictures of the boys from Friday night:

On Saturday since my sister was in town we also hung at the house. Ryan worked till about 2 and then him and my dad (who have recently been given the name Robin Hood and Little John) played around with their bow and arrows shooting targets while we spent the afternoon outside. Jason got his first experience in water besides the bath tub. He is such a water bug and on Saturday evening when it had cooled down a little I stuck his feed in the water and then proceeded to just his legs. He loved it so I went in and changed and he and I got in the hot tub which was set in the low 90’s. He loved it…I mean really loved it! He was so relaxed and just looked around with his big pretty eyes and enjoyed. It was so cute. Reece did not get in. He too loves bath time, but Reecy-Man is still so little and like a newborn where as Jason has the head holding thing down and is a little bit bigger. Reece’s day will come soon enough though. Here are a few pictures from Saturday:

Sunday was the actual day of my Dad’s birthday. On Saturday night I grabbed white onsies from the stash they have in the closet and painted “Happy B-Day PawPaw” on the front of them. They were rather cheesy, but for a day outside and around the house they turned out cute and kept the boys nice and cool. Early on Sunday my Dad went and pick up his Dad, the boys Great Grand Father, who they hadn’t yet met. They came over at about 10 and my Mom’s sister also joined us for a fish fry lunch. It was so nice to get to see Pawpaw Morris and for him to finally get to see the boys. If you don’t recall he is the one who passed the twin gene on to me. (Gee thanks…haha only kidding) We spent several hours together sitting outside and talking and then my dad drove him back while my sister and I finally spent sometime alone without the babies and got a pedicure. It was the first pedicure I have had since before bed rest in the hospital the second time around while pregnant. You can only imagine how badly I needed it! Ryan and my Mom so kindly took care of J & R while we were gone. Here are some pictures from the visit with PawPaw Morris:

The weekend came to a close with "Robin Hood and Little John" doing some more target practice and then coming in and watching more hunting on the hunting channel. Since my Dad gave Ry the bow and all of the gadgets, the hunting channel and outdoor channel are always on at our house! I can’t stand it, but am glad to see him have a hobby and something he enjoys to do. Here are some pictures from Sunday afternoon:

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