Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So much to be thankful for!

Today has been one of mostly relaxation with a few uncontrollable laughs followed by tears of fear, joy and more laughter. I woke up this morning in one funk of a mood. My head was pounding, my nurse took an hour ½ to change my bed sheets (and still hasn’t brought me my meds) and the cafĂ© brought me all the fixings for my baked potato for lunch, but no potato. I really think it’s comical that I allow those types of stupid things to steer my day when really it doesn’t matter what so ever as long as I stay pregnant and these babies make it here one day in several weeks from now!

Eventually the pain from my headache went away after reading a woman’s blog who has been generous enough to share all of her ups and downs through her pregnancy as well as the joys she has found since with her twin boys Blake and Owen were born. She too faced growth problems with her identical twin boys who had TTTS. I find her blog to be very relatable in that it’s comforting to know that others have faced and have overcome many of my same fears. It’s not to say that my story will end up with the same happy ending, but at least I know my boys will either be in our happy home or in Gods. I really enjoyed reading the blog today because we share so many of the same perspectives and her strong faith is inspiring.

I also read a funny little email about the joys of little boys that I MUST post because I about rolled out of my chair laughing so hard and I swear my stomach muscles literally got stuck…not to mention I am sure I have black under my eyes because I put mascara on today…if you don’t feel like reading and want to go with the blog just skip over the next little bit. Be advised that if you don’t read you might possibly miss out on the funniest kid story ever!!!

Here it goes…

My little guy, Cade, is quite a talker. He loves to communicate and does it quite well. He talks to people constantly, whether we are in the library, the grocery store or at a drive-thru window. People often comment on how clearly he speaks for a just-turned-3-year-old. And you never have to ask him to turn up the volume. It's always fully cranked. There have been several embarrassing times that I've wished the meaning of his words would have been masked by a not-so-audible voice, but never
have I wished this more than last week at Costco. Halfway, through our shopping trip, nature called, so I took Cade with me into the restroom. If you'd been one of the ladies in the restroom that evening, this is what you would have heard coming from the second to the last stall: ''Mommy, are you gonna go potty? Oh! Why are you putting toiwet paper on the potty, Mommy? Oh! You gonna sit down on da toiwet paper now? Mommy, what are you doing? Mommy, are you gonna go stinkies on the potty?'' At this point I started mentally counting how many women had been in the bathroom when I walked in. Several stalls were full ... 4? 5? Maybe we could wait until they all left before I had to make my debut out of this stall and reveal my identity. Cade continued: ''Mommy, you ARE going stinkies aren't you? Oh, dats a good girl, Mommy! Are you gonna get some candy for going stinkies on the potty? Let me see doze stinkies, Mommy! Oh ... Mommy! I'm trying to see In dere. Oh! I see dem. Dat is a very good girl, Mommy. You are gonna get some candy!'' I heard a few faint chuckles coming from the stalls on either side of me. Where is a screaming new born when you need her? Good grief. This was really getting embarrassing. I was definitely was waiting a long time before exiting. Trying to divert him, I said, ''Why don't you look in Mommy's purse and see if you can find some candy. We'll both have some!''
''No, I'm trying to see doze more stinkies...Oh! Mommy!'' He started to gag at this point.. ''Uh - oh, Mommy. I fink I'm gonna frow up. Mommy, doze stinkies are making me frow up!! Dat is so gross!!'' As the gags became louder, so did the chuckles outside my stall.. I quickly flushed the toilet in hopes of changing the subject. I began to reason with myself: OK. There are four other toilets. If I count four
flushes, I can be reasonably assured that those who overheard this embarrassing monologue will be long gone. ''Mommy! Would you get off the potty, now? I want you to be done going stinkies! Get up! Get up!'' He grunted as he tried to pull me off. Now I could hear full-blown laughter. I bent down to count the feet outside my door.
''Oh, are you wooking under dere, Mommy? You wooking under da door? What were you wooking at? Mommy, You wooking at the wady's feet?'' More laughter. I stood inside the locked door and tried to assess the situation. ''Mommy, it's time to wash our hands, now. We have to go out now, Mommy.'' He started pounding on the door. ''Mommy, don't you want to wash your hands? I want to go out!!'' I saw that my wait 'em out' plan was unraveling. I sheepishly opened the door, and found standing outside my stall, twenty to thirty ladies crowded around the stall, all smiling and starting to applaud.. My first thought was complete embarrassment, then I thought, where's the fine print on the 'motherhood contract' where I signed away every bit
of my dignity and privacy? But as my little boy gave me a big, cheeky grin while he rubbed bubbly soap between his chubby little hands, I thought, I'd sign it all away again, just to be known as Mommy to this little fellow.

Funny? Yah I thought so! I could just see my two little mini-Ryan’s having to tag along in the prime of their toddler hood pulling the same innocent stunt. Oh boy do I have much to look forward to! Packages just arrived….

I swear I am so blessed. Katy Cline and her husband chance just sent me beautiful flowers and a box of fresh fruit! Yummy! Like I have mentioned before the bananas around this place look like they were used in a game of wall-ball! Yesterdays actually oozed all over my dresser and ended up in the trash. Not much of a snack if you ask me. Thank you so very much Katy for the treats and goodies and for the flowers that add a special touch to my room!

Okay well my nurse just came in for my second dosage of contraction stopper medicine and I think I am going to go back to reading more blogs. I have had visitors again this week and appreciate each of them very much. My parents were here on Sunday and brought down my mini fridge, my Ryan has been here nightly and Monday Ryan’s Dad and Aunt popped in for a quick visit and hello. In the next hour Ryan’s Mom should be swinging by and then my parents will be here again later this evening. One thing I can say that’s been great about the hospital is the time I have been able to spend with Ryan away from all other distractions. It’s nice for the first time ever not to be pregnant and long distance in Tyler.

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