I must say that this age and stage has been my favorite even though it comes with some tough times! I This last week we made a trip to the zoo where we feed giraffes and saw lots of animals. On Saturday we went to Old McDonalds Farm. We last went back in October before things really started to change in our household and wow how much more fun it was this time! The boys loved running around and they were big enough to pet the animals and play on the playground equipment. These are the times I treasure most. I love seeing their little bodies explore and enjoy new things. It's so much fun seeing!
Now for the not so fun part of the nearly terrible two's. Hmm where to begin? Well let's start with the naked butt nights. The boys have this new stunt where they take off their pants and diapers at night and you know what that means! WET WET WET little boys come morning and WET WET WET beds! Oh and it started off with just the nights but now they also do it while playing in the playroom. I took a shower on Saturday while they were in the playroom and came back to find Jason pointing to the floor yelling ew to a big pile of poop, which was his own! Aside from naked-butt's and poopy spaces my other downfall with the nearly two stage are the temper tantrums and melt downs over SILLY stuff. I try to ignore some of it that is just for attention and I have started time out. Reece doesn;t have a clue what it means...not because he hasn't been there but because he just doesn;t get it yet. Jason however, has been there and understands "Do you need to go to time out?" I sit with him in the corner for just a minute or two and talk to him while he faces the wall with his hands in his lap. The teacher really comes out!
Since it's been a while let me update you on some of their little about me's. Let's start with big man J. He loves his cars, motorcycles and pretty much anything with wheels! We have a nice collection of cars going! He understands pretty much everything you say to him and is starting to talk more and more. Tonight he had a flashlight and turned it on (or tired to). When it didn't turn on he looked up and said "it bok" and translated that's "it's broke" in Jason language. He eats pretty much anything! As for Reece...well, he still enjoys his books and splashing like a wild animal in the bath tub! He has a bigger vocabulary than Jason, but still pretty limited. He likes stuffed animals and eats like a bottom-less pit (but very slowly).
Here's a few pictures of when we were at the zoo last week and Old McDonalds Farm...oh and hopefully by Sunday the new swing set will be up in the backyard! I bought one at Sams. Actually I shouldn't say I...my family wants to pitch in on it for the boys birthday and then I am paying the remaining balance. Great idea and the boys are going to LOVE it!
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