Once up and at them we had breakfast, went for a walk, played with toys over at grandmas and then Reece and I came home to take a nap. This afternoon we made a trip to wal-mart to get out of the house. Jason spotted a teenage girl who was also wearing a light blue cast. It was kind of funny that he noticed it. This evening the boys were pretty worn out and on edge. After several trips to time out the boys finally got it together. Jason and I came home and I cleaned him up and then for the last two hours we have been watching Cars. He loved it! I asked him if he liked the movie and he shook his head yes and smiled. Sweet boy (most of the time)...now he is asleep and I am going to be right behind him hear shortly.
Here are a few pictures from last night when Ryan came to see the boys. This is the first picture I have had of the 3 of them since October. Ryan signed the boys cast first. Today Jason was pointing to where Ryan signed saying "Da-Da". The last picture here was of Jason wearing his "hat". Stinker!
So you might be thinking what do you do with a two year old with a cast on his leg all day long? Well let me show you...it's a litte boring but we are trying to keep him as occupied as possible. Went for a walk this morning, been reading books, played with cars and trains, coloring...you name it!
...and last but not least here are a few picture of him watching Cars before bedtime.
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