Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Teeth Are BAD!

Today has been so much fun. Jason woke up screaming followed by Reece screaming because Jason was screaming. I swear his tooth doubled in size today that has been coming in now for the past few weeks. Don't let these pictures full you...he hasn't been this happy all morning. In fact Jason has been excessively fussy today. We went for a short stroll once the sun came out which seemed to take his mind off the pain and now that we are done walking I am about to distribute the Tylenol to the little stinker.


  1. Adorable video! Who knew your brother's feet could be so entertaining? I'm also glad to see that Reece is doing so well :-) You have such miracle babies!!!

  2. awww I can't believe how big they are getting! Yeah I can't imagine doing teething for 2.. eek.. you are my hero lil one! That is alot for such a young one! You are doing wonderful!!! Have a blessed weekend! and orajel was my friend! lol
