Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Photo Albums

Attempted to update but crying baby....

Follow these links for pictures
7-8 Months

6-7 Months

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

9 Months Old

Ok so fire me I haven't updated in weeks and I just notices I haven't added a photo album in 3 months. So maybe I am slacking on my blog skills, but I assure you I am making good use of my free time! Today the boys are 9 months old. Yesterday my Mom and I took them for a 2 hour 9 month old check up. The little guys both had to get two shots and all and all everything seemed ok. The doctor does want Jason to start physical therapy for his feet. His feet stay clenched and if its not corrected then it could cause problems with him walking (why do my kids have the weirdest things working against them lol). As for Reece all his stuff seems to be ok at the moment. the doctor was still alarmed by his size so we are doing a few changes to his feeding to hopefully help boost the calories. He goes in for his brain and spinal MRI next Thursday which he has to be sedated for.

Jason 19.8 pounds 28 inches
Reece 13.14 pounds 25 1/2 inches

Over the weekend we decided to do Easter Bunny pictures...lets just say they didn't turn out as good as I hoped. The boys were so so tired by the time we got to the front of the line. Once they got in the rabbits lap they were moving around so much that Jason blew out the buttons in his crotch and their pant legs made it look like they were wearing sorts with knee highs socks. As for the smile...well lets just say that was not going to happen. Any other time and they would have been happy go lucky. Oh well. We spent the rest of the day at Great Grandma Judis.

I would try and update from the days that have posted but I really don't think I can find the time. As we speak I have one in the stand up activity center and Jason is crawling all over the place with his attention drawn to everything he shouldn't be playing with. Oh I guess if you didn't know that he is crawling you do now! He also has his two bottom front teeth at last. That is all for now. I am going to upload the three albums of picture from 6-9 months. Happy viewing!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Teeth Are BAD!

Today has been so much fun. Jason woke up screaming followed by Reece screaming because Jason was screaming. I swear his tooth doubled in size today that has been coming in now for the past few weeks. Don't let these pictures full you...he hasn't been this happy all morning. In fact Jason has been excessively fussy today. We went for a short stroll once the sun came out which seemed to take his mind off the pain and now that we are done walking I am about to distribute the Tylenol to the little stinker.

Texas Childrens Yesterday

I took Reece to Texas children’s yesterday to see the oral surgeon. We were told to go to make sure Reece didn't have a sub cleft or anything funky going on in his mouth since he has the bifid uvula which I typically associated with a cleft. All looked good. The doctor didn't see anything and the speech evaluation was fine too. They said Reece should develop speech patterns just as any other baby and since he is able to eat by spoon and doesn't have a problem sucking not to worry.
To be honest I wasn't too concerned about the appointment. It took 3 months to get in to see the doctor and a lot has changed since we started our doctor journey at 6 weeks old. It’s incredible what a turn around he has made!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gearing Up For Spring!

Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine! Yesterday and today both were such beautiful days. Yesterday I met my Mom for lunch and then the boys and I made our weekly grocery run to Wal-Mart. I have seen the carts with the baby seat on them before, but finding one of those is usually next to impossible and certainly not in the parking lot. I am sure I could get one inside more times than not but who wants to load two kids into one cart and unload into another? Not this girl! Anyways lucky for me a cart with the baby seat was right by where we parked so I stole it and it was a great steal. Jason sat in the children’s seat for twins and Reece sat in the infant seat. They were so good and for once I had plenty of room in my cart. I saw a set of older twin girls (who might I add were adoable) and they were in the double passenger kid cart. To think one day I will be pushing on of those around...hahaha oh boy...Here are my little champs shopping with Mommy!

After we finished our shopping we enjoyed a little time outside in the beautiful weather. The boys played in the drive in their bouncer and walker and then I started getting worried after about 10 minutes that they would fry. Goodness lets hope we never have that issue I brought them under the porch. I was enjoying being outside so much that I had this great idea of going on a walk but the boys I guess weren't up to it and being in the stroller turned into a total melt down so we came inside and had bottles. I attempted to put them down for a nap, but they were pretty set in their ways that they weren't going for a walk or down for a nap. As a result my little angels went napless from 11:30am till bedtime. It actually wasn't too bad.

Today we decided to take advantage of the weather again and had better luck or should I say behavior. I met up with up with Aunt Laurie and her friend and we took off for what felt like a walk around the world in turbo speed. Before we even got down the road 5 houses my caves felt like they were on fire and when we were done my arms hurt from pushing the stroller. Tonight calls for a nice long hot bath and I think a little bit of icyhot. If would have started walking like that 8 months ago there would be nothing left to burn off! As for the boys they loved it. Reece fell right to sleep which was good because I had him enclosed in the stroller so the coolness didn't get to his little ears. As for Jason he rode shotgun taking it all in. About 1/2 way through he finally decided to take a little cat nap. After our long stroll I was about to die, but the boys were awake and played with puppies and my cousin Tyler. Jason loves dogs and Reece is starting to become more aware of them too. Its just so cute! I love the stage that Jason is at right now. I wish Reece would catch up to him so they could play together without Jason beating him up. Poor little guy...soon enough his time will come.

As for new little things the boys are doing...Jason blows bubbles with mouth now all the time and one o the two teeth that are trying to come through have budded. I don’t really know how that process works. I am not sure if the worse is over or yet to come. I am pretty certain though it is yet to come. Well, I need to get home and start dinner. Ryan is going to the Sprint store to hopefully get his phone working again so I have been able to put it off for a little bit. Have lots more to share including a few more video clips from my camera.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine’s

I LOVE LOVE LOVE mornings when my boys wake up all bright-eyed and happy. They are so funny! Little by little I am starting to see them interact with each other. Jason is now officially the “nunu snatcher” and Reece just thinks Jason is so funny sometimes.

Their smalls make them look like big gofballs, but at the same time melts my heart over and over again! Below is a video from Monday night of Reece laughing at Jason. He was laughing at him while Jason was propped up standing, but I had Ryan take over so I could record it for a few seconds and of course Ryn got all into their fun too!

This video is of the "NuNu Snatcher"...Enjoy!